The mathematical equations of 2-D thermal density flow in a channel were developed and a finite layer numerical model was established. In the direction of y, a cubic spline approximations were used for u and θ, and linear interpolation were used for du/dx and dθ/dx. The integration of differential equations along the direction of y was made with the subdomain scheme of weighted residual method. In the direction of x, the boundary value problem of differential equations was converted into an initial value problem. It is then solved by shooting method. An effective method for choosing and amending shooting multipoint initial values have been presented. The vertical distribution of u and θ at each x-section were also obtained.
The mathematical equations of 2-D thermal density flow in a channel were developed and a finite layer numerical model was established. In the direction of y, a cubic spline approximations were used for u and θ, and linear interpolation were used for du/dx and dθ/dx. The integration of differential equations along the direction of y was made with the subdomain scheme of weighted residual method. In the direction of x, the boundary value problem of differential equations was converted into an initial value problem. It is then solved by shooting method. An effective method for choosing and amending shooting multipoint initial values have been presented. The vertical distribution of u and θ at each x-section were also obtained.