在青海省省会——西宁市郊大通县境内风光秀丽的老爷山麓 ,有一座名不见经传的青海省水泥厂,它以生产水泥优质产品"昆仑牌"而一举享誉神州。青海省水泥厂筹建于1970年,1977年投产,原设计能力为年产水泥30万吨。由于该厂坐落在海拔2400米的高原,加上原设计考虑不周,产量较低,经过不断摸索和技术改造,产量逐年上升,特别是1987年5月,孙多康同志任厂长以来,紧紧依靠全厂职工,励精图治,艰苦创业,不断深化企业内部改革,坚持"一手抓技术、一手抓管理"的科技治厂方针,深入挖潜降耗,大搞技术改造,努力拓宽市场,积极调整产品结构,产量、质量不断提高,经济效益逐年增长,企业面貌焕然一新。实现了"一年整顿、二年起步、三年积蓄、四年腾飞"的战略目标。近年来,产量、利润和税收全面超额指标,工厂已成为大通县工业区的利税大户,且跨入青海省十大重点企业行列。黄河上游的水电资源开发已列为国家能源开发重点建设项目。根据国家规划。
Qinghai Province Cement Plant was founded in 1970 and put into operation in 1977.It covers an area of 14.5 hectares including building area of 40930 square metres.The plant has special railway lines connected with Ning-Da Line and highway connected to Ning-Zhang Highway Branch Line.It enjoys convenient communication. Now the plant has a staff of 1466,including 955 workers,282 technicians and managers,229 service staff,Its net value of fixed assets is 44.5 million yuan.With AAA-Level credit,it is the major earner of profit and tax among the industrial enterprises in Qinghai Province.Its economic benefit is excellent.