在浙江省省会杭州市区东南、钱塘江北岸、闻名遐迩的西洲风景名胜之东,坐落着一家橡胶制品综合加工企业,它就是被世人誉为"天堂的杭州市骨干企业"——杭州中策橡胶(股份)有限公司。杭州市中策橡胶(股份)有限公司是由杭州橡胶总厂与中繁集团(香港)共同投资2990万美元合作创办的中外合资企业。该公司占地21万平方米,建筑丽积20余万平方米,并在杭州市国家经济技术开发区征地31万平方米,建设炼胶中心和轮胎生产基地。拥有员工6500余人,科技人员占12%。"七五"期间,该公司在工商银行及有关领导部门的大力支持下,通过自身努力,加大技改投入,共投资6000多万元,实施了引进 F270高效中速密炼机等29项重大技改项目,开发了8.25——16等32个规格品种新产品轮胎,使工艺技术装备达到国内同行业先进水平。到"七五"末,企业已形成年产轮胎87万套,手推车轮胎58万套,自行车轮胎800万套的生产能力,销售收入32616万元,利税总额5373万元的经营规模。成为浙江省最大十佳工业企业之一,化工部重点骨干企业,国家大型一档企业,全国500家最大工业企业之一。该公司面对国内外市场剧烈的竞争局面,瞄准世界轮胎工业技术子午化。
Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber(Stock)Co.Ltd is a sino-foreign joint venture with investment of US $29.9 million by Hangzhou Rubber General Plant and Hongkong Zhongce Group.It covers an area of 210,000 square metres with building area of more than 200,000 square metres and also recruits land of 310,000 square metres in the 5tare Economic and.Technical Development District of Hangzhou to set up rubber,making centre and lyre produdion base.Now it has a staff of more than 6,500,with scientific and technical personnel accounting for 12%. The corporation concluded technological reforms during 7th and 8th'Five-Year Plan'so as to advance the rapid progress in produdion and improve the economic benefit significantly. In 1995,the industrial output value was 1.2 billion yuan and profit-tax was 110 million yuan. Its export exchange earning amounted to US $21 million.