TIBET’S palaces,temples,formernoble mansion houses and ta-bernacle manors all had thetradition of printing murals and thecustom of hanging tangkas.Along with the improvement of people’s lives,murals and tangkas began entering or-dinary people’s house.Tibetan well-known ancient buildings could be re-garded as printing art museums.Theancient printers created lots of grandprcture scrolls with historical and artis-tic values.Murals in Qoikang Monas-tery occupied 4,400 square meters.Ev-ery big monastery collected quite a fewtangkas.Potala Palace has a large satintangka called "Goutang."There isa 56-meter-high and 47-meter-widehuge image of Buddha on it.It can beseen over ten kilometers away whenhung outside.Potala Palace also hasanother mural that shows a hangingtangka.