China has made remarkable progress in Chethecal fertilizer (CF) industryin the past decades. Ih 1995 the output of CF reached 24.97 whllion (M for short)tons. The aggregate consumphon in the past 46 years (from 1949-1995) came to449.68 M tons, including 337.26 M tons produtal domestically and 112.42 M tonsimported from abroad. The rate of selfsrmdency of the industry was about 75percent The demand for the year 2000 is estimated to be 42 M tons. The averaglevel of nutriats contained in China-made CF is 27 percen. Ingh conotrationfertilizers shall be developed as a major means to raise product quality. The averagecontent of nutnents will increase up to 32 percat by 2000. The reduction of energyconsumption and the upgrading oftechnology and equipment shall be another aspectwhich should be heded for China's CF industry in the future.
China has made remarkable progress in Chethecal fertilizer (CF) industryin the past decades. Ih 1995 the output of CF reached 24.97 whllion (M for short)tons. The aggregate consumphon in the past 46 years (from 1949-1995) came to449.68 M tons, including 337.26 M tons produtal domestically and 112.42 M tonsimported from abroad. The rate of selfsrmdency of the industry was about 75percent The demand for the year 2000 is estimated to be 42 M tons. The averaglevel of nutriats contained in China-made CF is 27 percen. Ingh conotrationfertilizers shall be developed as a major means to raise product quality. The averagecontent of nutnents will increase up to 32 percat by 2000. The reduction of energyconsumption and the upgrading oftechnology and equipment shall be another aspectwhich should be heded for China's CF industry in the future.