Quantitative isolate recovery techniques used for the evaluation of therapy in experimental fungal keratitis have been criticized as to the homogenicity of the corneas suspension. This series of experiments examined the effect of grinding time or quantitative isolate recovery from the cornea of three different morphological types of fungi:Aspergillus sp.,Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis.Experimental fungal keratitis was established in Dutch-belted rabbits by injection of a standardized inoculum into the mid-stroma. Five days folllwing inoculation the rabbits were killed and their corneas were removed.The corneas were ground in normal saline for 10-second intervals.After 3, 6,or 9 grinding periods, aliquots were removed from the samples and quantified for viable fungi by plating. There was no significant difference in the number of organisms recovered for any of the fungi studied at any of the time periods. This study shows that variance is not induced by the grinding method for recovery of fungi. A grinding period of 30-seconds appears appropriate for isolate recovery of fungi from infected comeal tissue.
Quantitative isolate recovery techniques used for the evaluation of therapy in experimental fungal keratitis have been criticized as to the homogenicity of the corneas suspension. This series of experiments examined the effect of grinding time or quantitative isolate recovery from the cornea of three different morphological types of fungi:Aspergillus sp.,Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis.Experimental fungal keratitis was established in Dutch-belted rabbits by injection of a standardized inoculum into the mid-stroma. Five days folllwing inoculation the rabbits were killed and their corneas were removed.The corneas were ground in normal saline for 10-second intervals.After 3, 6,or 9 grinding periods, aliquots were removed from the samples and quantified for viable fungi by plating. There was no significant difference in the number of organisms recovered for any of the fungi studied at any of the time periods. This study shows that variance is not induced by the grinding method for recovery of fungi. A grinding period of 30-seconds appears appropriate for isolate recovery of fungi from infected comeal tissue.