The first production of rare earths by the business now called Rhone Poulenec Rare Earths and Gallium was at the tum of the ceritury in Normandy, northern France under the name Societedes Terres Rares. Manufacturing of rare earths started at La Rochelle on the west coast of France in 1946 and at Freeport in Texas in 1981 . Since 1988 we have maintained a production unit in Japan also, originally in cooperation with Sumitomo Metal Mining and more recently with Santoku Metal Industries.
The first production of rare earths by the business now called Rhone Poulenec Rare Earths and Gallium was at the tum of the ceritury in Normandy, northern France under the name Societedes Terres Rares. Manufacturing of rare earths started at La Rochelle on the west coast of France in 1946 and at Freeport in Texas in 1981 . Since 1988 we have maintained a production unit in Japan also, originally in cooperation with Sumitomo Metal Mining and more recently with Santoku Metal Industries.