
丹心报国 记四川万事达塑胶制品有限公司总经理李英群

Adhere to the Country and Serve the Country
摘要 近年来,中国西部企业界出现了一颗耀眼的新星——四川万事达塑胶制品有限公司。1993年6月,公司被评为四川省优秀三资企业。省、市领导亲临公司考察,各种新闻媒体大量宣传报道,给公司带来大量有形无形的财富! 但一年前,公司还是一家严重亏损的企业。是一位在日本学习过5年企业管理的杰出人物——李英群总经理带领公司员工奋力拼搏,才取得了令人瞩目的成就。率先垂范强化管理四川万事达塑胶制品有限公司,是中国包装总公司内江包装材料总厂与新西兰万事达国际贸易投资有限公司共同投资901.2万美元,在1990年9月建成投产的。公司引进的许多设备和技术都具有世界先进水平,产品市场需求量也大。但投产两年来,由于种种原因,公司竟亏损1000多万元,欠款1800多万元;设计年产3000吨,实际只年产1000——1500吨; In July,1992, after 5 year's stu dy of business management ab road, Mr. Li Yingqun, a young specialist of business management, returned back to the underdeveloped inland sichuan Province, in charge of Sichuan Master Plastic Cement Product Co. Lid, a joint-venture invested by China Neijiang Packing Merterial General Factory and New Zealand Master International Trade investment Co. Lid. With the help of his comrades, Mr. Li Yingqun boldly introduced advanced business management means of foreign countries and car ried out new 3-funded enterprise operating system. The profesional knowledge and advance manage ment experience were applied to the whole process of management. In the mean time, the whole process of management. In the mean time, the busines aim of 'Paying close attention to management while promoting sale'. He also took measures to arouse faculty's enthusiasm. Within one year, the company was turned loss into gain, with the surplus of ¥ 3.334 million in 1993 and ¥4.662 million in Jan - Sep of 1994. In June. 1994. Sichuan Master Plastic Cenment Co. Lid was awarded the title of Sichuan Advanced 3 -funded Enterprise. It is Mr. Li Yingqun. the General Manager. who devotes himself to the business management of China.
作者 彭长富 杨建
出处 《中国西部》 1995年第3期24-27,共4页 Western China
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