The method to determine the surface albedo using satellite date hasbeen developed and discussed. The relatons betwam the planetary albedo andsurfoce albedo in clear skies are derived with the help of the radiative transfermodelling. To improve the accuracy of the denved surfoce albedo, theparameter X0, i.e., the ratio of the reflected to the total extinction radiation isintroduced into this model. The influences of the model paramenters on thesurfoce albedo have been analyzed. It is found that the error in the derivedsurfoce albedo due to the paramaters together is less than that caused by oulyone parameter because of the complementarity of the parameters. Test resultsin 22 stations over China have been given using the Geostationary SatelliteGMS. The results are generally agreeable except for the case of snow/ice cover.
The method to determine the surface albedo using satellite date hasbeen developed and discussed. The relatons betwam the planetary albedo andsurfoce albedo in clear skies are derived with the help of the radiative transfermodelling. To improve the accuracy of the denved surfoce albedo, theparameter X0, i.e., the ratio of the reflected to the total extinction radiation isintroduced into this model. The influences of the model paramenters on thesurfoce albedo have been analyzed. It is found that the error in the derivedsurfoce albedo due to the paramaters together is less than that caused by oulyone parameter because of the complementarity of the parameters. Test resultsin 22 stations over China have been given using the Geostationary SatelliteGMS. The results are generally agreeable except for the case of snow/ice cover.