从旬邑、东兰、施秉3个贫困县预防保健经费分析发现,防疫经费及妇幼保健经费均很少,人均防疫费仅为 0.2~0.4 元,人均妇幼保健费除旬邑较高(0.78元)外,东兰仅 0.08元,施来仅0.12元。政府投入的预防保健经费大部分用于防保人员的工资及补贴,业务费明显下降,严重影响了农民的预防保健服务,计免覆盖率下降,能预防的传染病时有发生,孕产妇保健仅限于城镇职工。
A survey conducted in the three poor counties found that the average government expenditures on disease prevention and MCH services per capita were strikingly low, ranging from 0. 20 to 0. 40yuan (US $ 0. 025 to US $ 0. 05) and form 0. 08 yuan to 0. 78yuan(US $ 0. 01 to US $ 0.10) .respectivey. The highest govrernment expenditure on MCH was observed in Xunyi County, Shannxi Province which was one of the UNICEF project counties years ago. The survey also revealed that a greater proportion of the government financing has been spent on payment of health workers while the funds earmarked for opearating preventive and MCH programs have significantly been squeezed. These changes have resulted in getting access to the services for pesants. It was reported from the interviews with directors of the anti-epidemic stations and MCH-centres that the coverage of child immunistion in DonglaB County has greatly declined and a number of preventable infectious diseases broke out in the three counties, and the child - bearing women had difficulties in seeking MCH services.
Chinese Primary Health Care