There are about 20 new products and new scientific and technological results being put into production every year in average in Guangxi Petrochemical Industry De- partment.The annual output value amounts to several dozens of million yuan and its profit and tax reaches several million yuan. Only in the decade from 1978 to 1988,59 new products and 73 new results respectively won the awards above the level of Autonomous Region, including one First Prize of State Scientific and Techni- cal Progress.At present,the chemical products in Guangxi province totals one hundred categories.In the chemical industry department,there are more than 130 state—owned enterprises,70,000 odds staff members and 2.6 billion yuan original value of fixed assets.In 1994.it continuously realized rapid increase of more than ten percent with its annual industrial total output value of 3.6 million yuan.Compared with that before liberation,the petrochemical industry in Guangxi has been completely changed.