"唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城"。一首《赏牡丹》写尽了牡丹盛开时香艳无比、唯我独"芳"的万种风情。然而,这位对牡丹情有独钟的刘禹锡恐怕没有想到,在一千多年后的今天,有一种同样可以和牡丹争奇斗艳、倾国倾城的"水仙"——这就是以"水仙"命名的"水仙电器"。在经过一系列大刀阔斧的技术改造、"剪枝裁叶"之后,上海水仙电器股份有限公司精心培植的株株"水仙"竞相开放,香飘万里,以其特有的魅力吸引着海内外客商。一时间,"水仙电器"走进千家万户,享誉大江南北。上海水仙电器股份有限公司是一家拥有21491万元人民币股本、5亿人民币净资产的国家大型一类企业。作为我国洗衣机行业唯一的上市股份公司,"水仙电器"的发展是惊人的。1992年水仙公司率先在浦东征地建厂,开始了公司飞速发展的新时代。同年5月,水仙公司发行 A 股2500万股1.15亿元。
Shanghai Shui Xian Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Co.Ltd is a state large—sized first grade enterprise with stock capital of 214.91 million RMB yuan,net assets of 500 million RMB yuan and a staff of 3,000.Now it governs 3 wholly—owned corporations.2 stock—holding corporations and 3 related en- terprises.It is the sole listed stock company among the washing machine trade in our coun- try.In 1992,it became the first to purchase land for plant establishment in Pudong and then started the rapidly development new stage for the corporation.In 1992,the corpo- ration distributed 25 million A stocks with cap- ital of 115 million yuan;in November,1992, Pudong'Shui Xian Electrical Equipment Town'started to be constructed;in August, 1993,Sino—Japan Joint venture shui Xian Corporation signed the contract and started to production one year later and the output amounted to 62,000 washing machines in the same year;in 1994,its B stock was listed in the market with distribution of 10 million stock equal to US $25.04 million;by the end of 1994,'Shui Xian Electrical Equipment Town' was completed.At present,another joint venture project of'Shui Xian Electrical Equip- ment Town'——Shanghai Shui Xian Electri- cal Equipment Co.Ltd and American Welp Corporation will produce automated roll cylin- der type washing machine——has been signed.