"创伟业,夺奇标",是上海广电股份有限公司(SVA)全体成员发自肺腑的誓言。一览近年來 SVA 的发展过程,我们不难发现,这个1992年6月始由原上海广电集团公司的核心层改制而成的企业,之所以连年销售收入名列全国百家电子企业第一,是由于广电人着力实施技术改造,用高新科技敲开了市场的大门。在国内电器市场受到进口产品强大冲击的90年代,该公司迈进了风险与机遇并存的新时期。雄厚的技术力量和广电人对待高新技术的严肃态度,使 SVA 的腾飞成为必然!1993年,该公司被评为"全国科技开发实力百强"第12位,并连年被上海市科委认定为高新技术企业。沉甸甸的荣誉,并没有使广电人驻足不前,而是在感到无尚光荣的同时,向更艰巨的课题掀起了挑战!仅1994年一年时间,广电人就向国家贡献了36项新产品,高新技术产品占总产值的64%。拥有"金星"、"凯歌"、"飞跃"、"上海"(上录)等中国著名商标。其中"金星"、"凯歌"、
Shanghai Guangdian Joint Stock Co.Ltd was estab- lished in June,1992.It is a large—sized first class backbone enterprise,Since its establishment,its sales has occupied the first position among the top 100 electronic enterprises in our country.In 1994,its sales amounted to 5.34 billion yuan and still took the first place. The corporation's leading products are:colour television set,videocorder,air conditioner and so on concerning house- hod appliance;telephone set,fascimile machine,radar and so on in the field of telecommunication;household personal computer,commercial POS,etc.concerning computer. The corporation has strength technical power and was awarded high and new technology enterprise by Shanghai Mu- nicipal Science and Technology Commission for years.In 1994,it completed 36 new products development.Now it has specialized technicians of 4,000.