俗话说,"姜还是老的辣"。此话颇有一定道理。石家庄卷烟厂成立近半个世纪以来,凭着丰富的经营经验,在激烈的市场竞争中,屡战不败,雄踞神州。该厂过去设备比较落后,在省、市政府和中国烟草总公司的大力支持下,经过"七五"、"八五"技术改造,设备水平有了大幅度提高。后又引进了大量进口和国产先进卷烟设备,使设备水平从四、五十年代的水平提高到了世界80年代的先进水平。近几年,分别从英国、意大利引进了制丝生产线,莫林9—5卷接机组、帕希姆卷接机组、意大利 GD 公司的 XI包装机组、萨西布横包机等先进的生产设备,为生产优质高档卷烟提供了物质保证。先后创出了一批拳头产品,税利由1985年的5173万元增加到1993年的22550万元,1993年利润完成460万元。该厂本着质量第一,信誉第一的办厂宗旨,重视产品质量,特别是把重点放在了烟的内在质量上。在烟叶的采购上。
Established in 1947,Shijiazhuang Cigarette Plant is a state-owned medium-sized enterprise.After 40 years development,the plant's equipment level im- proved to international 1980s advanced level from 1940s or 1950s level.In the recent years,the plant re- spectively imported filament making production line, Morning 9-5 rolling connection units,Pacimo rolling connection unit,Italian GD Corporation's XI packing u- nit and Saxibu horizontal packing machine and other advanced productive equipment from Britain and Italy so as to provide material guarantee for producing su- perior quality high-grade cigarette.It successively produces a group of fist products such as'Shi Jia Zhuang'and'Te Lin Zhi',etc.Its profit and tax in- creased from 51.73 million yuan in 1985 to 225.5 mil- lion yuan in 1993.In 1993,the profit amounted to 4.6 million yuan.The plant was awarded one of the'top 500 largest industrial enterprises in our country'for continuously four years.