人们常把城市建筑形象地比喻为"凝固的交响乐"。是的,那高低错落、鳞次栉比的建筑群,那雄伟气派、优雅华丽的建筑风格,不正是一页页华彩乐章、一首首抒情乐段吗?漫步街头,流连高厦楼宇间,你心里一定会漫过那首舒柏特的 C 大调交响曲和约翰·施特劳斯的美妙的"春之声"——建筑,现代城市文明的标志,它唤起人们对新生活的多少向往。上海,是集中国建筑之大成的城市,高层建筑、豪华商厦纷呈异彩。历史的青睐给上海人留下了骄傲。在现代化大都市的建设中,不仅是上海人,还有更多的人们都在为建设更繁荣的大上海撑起共同的脊梁。在上海常德路1344弄3号楼里,就驻扎着一支特别的城市建筑者——贵州省建筑设计院上海分院的广大员工。他们根据在沪工程的需要,从贵州总院迁徒而来。分院是经上海市建委批准在沪承担设计的甲级设计院。分院在沪固定技术人员有38人,其中,高级建筑师、高级工程师8名,建筑师、工程师28名;院内工种齐全,设计速度较快。其设备拥有先进的 AST486微机、LQ600打印机、HPdesignjet
Guizhou Province Architectural Design Institute Shanghai Branch is a Grade-A design institute to un- dertake the design approved to establish by the Con- struction Committee of Shanghai Municipality.It is lo- cated in the third floor,1344#,Changde Road of Shanghai.The branch has fixed technical personnel in Shanghai of 38 including 8 senior architects and se- nior engineers and 28 architects and engineers.It has complete specialities disciplines and relatively fast design speed.In the recent years,the design engi- neering projects designed by the branch in Shanghai has completed 64,300 square metres,including two 18-storey high floor buildings;the architectural area under construction amounted to 153,850 square me- tres,including seven high buildings which are higher than 18-storey.In addition,four residential small districts had been completed.It paid special atten- tion to the reputation and guarantee the quality.It put its emphasis on the last stage service of design.It is willing to cooperate with construction units in Shang- hai.