在实施飞行器构件疫劳试验时,往往需要对受试件进行多点协调加载,而受试件自身的挠性及所带来的各力之间的耦合,会损害加载精度,甚至造成无法实现预期载荷波形的后果。本文结合直九(Z9 型直升机复合材料夹板组件疲劳试验的实例,讨论了力耦合效应的影响,探讨了同频同相多点载荷协调加载的一般方法。
When carrying out vehicle component fatigu test,it is often required that a tested component loaded coodinately at many points.The tested corn ponent flexibility and couple between forces shouk affect loading accuracy and result in failure to read 1he preset load wave.Composite Splint fatigue tes of helicopter Z9 is described and force coupling effect and coodinating loading method is descussed in this article.
Helicopter Technique