Fetal liver tissues obtained from 28 human fetuses with gestation age from 3 to 6 months and fetal bone marrow from 35 human fetuses from 3 to 7 months were observed by immunochemical staining with anti-platelet GPⅡ b / Ⅲa monoclonal antibody and ABC technique. In the fetal liver, megakaryocytes were wholly located among growing fetal liver cells and near foci of hemopoiesis. Some megakaryocytes in the fetal liver were small7890- lymphoid-like megakaryocytes. The size of megakaryocytes both in the fetal liver (14.79 ± 4.52μm) and in the fetal bone marrow (16.08±7.39 μm) was small, which did not vary significantly over the gestation age ranging from 3 to 6 or 7 months. However, the maturation stage of megakaryocytes in the fetal liver shifted to more mature stage with the advancement of gestation, although the maturation stage of megakaryocytes in the fetal bone marrow did not change with the advancement of gestation from 4 to 7 months, the megakaryocyte in the fetal bone marrow was less mature
Fetal liver tissues obtained from 28 human fetuses with gestation age from 3 to 6 months and fetal bone marrow from 35 human fetuses from 3 to 7 months were observed by immunochemical staining with anti-platelet GPⅡ b / Ⅲa monoclonal antibody and ABC technique. In the fetal liver, megakaryocytes were wholly located among growing fetal liver cells and near foci of hemopoiesis. Some megakaryocytes in the fetal liver were small7890- lymphoid-like megakaryocytes. The size of megakaryocytes both in the fetal liver (14.79 ± 4.52μm) and in the fetal bone marrow (16.08±7.39 μm) was small, which did not vary significantly over the gestation age ranging from 3 to 6 or 7 months. However, the maturation stage of megakaryocytes in the fetal liver shifted to more mature stage with the advancement of gestation, although the maturation stage of megakaryocytes in the fetal bone marrow did not change with the advancement of gestation from 4 to 7 months, the megakaryocyte in the fetal bone marrow was less mature than that in adult bone marrow. This phenomenon may be due to migration of stem cell in the course of ontogenesis. It may also be due to some inhibitors or intrinsic modification
Journal of Experimental Hematology