There were 620 Childbirth in Our hospital from Jan . to Dec. 1992, in which 203 cases were umbilical cord around the fetal neck, the incidence rate was 32.74%, In the 203 cases. 180 cases were cephalic primipar ities, 85 cases got abnormal stages of labour, the incidence rate was 47.22% and 32.08% in the control group(P<0.01). In the 180 cases, 43 cases had cesarean sections; 26 cases hadvagino-operation delivery, the dystocia rate was 38.33% and 28.7396 for the control group (P<0.05). In the 203 cases group, 45 cases were newborn asphyxia, , the rate was 22.17% and 14.17% for the control group (P<0.05) and 3 cases were perinatal deaths, theincidence rate was 14.78‰. the date shows that the umbilical cordaround the fetal neck has relation to the length of umbilical cords and it can make the uterus systoled and weary and it can prolong or even stagnate the stages of labour and then the operative labour rate is increased. The case of umbilical cord around the fetal neck, the newborn asphyxia and perinatal death can be diagnosed by prenatal the B-mode scanning, the electronic monitoring of the fetal heart duiring the labour, and close observation of the stages of labour. The cesarean section rate can be greatly decreased by active and correct treatment of the stages of labour.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Medical Edition)
Umbilical cord around fetal neck Abnormal labour Newborn asphyxia