he ESR-SP(Electron Spin
Resonace-Saturation Power)from human hair of 1023 patients
withbreast diseases including malignancies and benign diseases has
been studied for the recent 3 years.Of them,breast malignancies were
278 cases and benigns were 745. All the hair was from occipital part
of the skulland it was processed and analized in the spectrum
instrument was which made in Japan.The control samples were from 1000
helthy populations.We found that the ESR-SP was 1.75 mw,2.42 mw and
2.49 mw respectively for breast malignancies,benign diseases and
control. The P Value between malignancies and benign diseases was
less than 0.01and there was significant difference. The explanations
for this was that the free radicals from malignancies was lower
because they were inhibited.This was a very useful test for the early
diagnosis of breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment