Metal foils for Raman scattering were prepared by HNO_3 etching method. These foils werefound to exhibit a strong SERS effect and excellent thermal stability. SERS spectra of cystaminehave been taken to illustrate the usefulness of this sample preparation method in the studies ofchemisorption. The ring opening reactions of an epoxy compound have been observed on the topof chemisorbed cystamine on silver foils.
Metal foils for Raman scattering were prepared by HNO_3 etching method. These foils werefound to exhibit a strong SERS effect and excellent thermal stability. SERS spectra of cystaminehave been taken to illustrate the usefulness of this sample preparation method in the studies ofchemisorption. The ring opening reactions of an epoxy compound have been observed on the topof chemisorbed cystamine on silver foils.