The possibility of using a fillet form to control the horseshoe vortex flow caused by the turbulent shear flow around wing-body junction has been investigated numerically. A numerical method for the solution of three dimensional incompressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the two-equation (k, ε) turbulence model has been developed to evaluate the effect of fillet forms on appendage-body junction vortex flow. The wing investigated is NACA0020. The Reynolds number based on a chordlength is 1. 0 ×105. Three configurations including a baseline, a triangle fillet form, and a constant radius convex arc fillet form along the entire wing/flat-plate junction are presented. It is shown that a suitable convex filet form can significantly improve the stability of junction horseshoe vortex and reduce the strength of vortex and the non-uniformity in the wake velocity profile. It is also demonstrated the capability of the numerical approach in the design of vortex flow control devices.
The possibility of using a fillet form to control the horseshoe vortex flow caused by the turbulent shear flow around wing-body junction has been investigated numerically. A numerical method for the solution of three dimensional incompressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the two-equation (k, ε) turbulence model has been developed to evaluate the effect of fillet forms on appendage-body junction vortex flow. The wing investigated is NACA0020. The Reynolds number based on a chordlength is 1. 0 ×105. Three configurations including a baseline, a triangle fillet form, and a constant radius convex arc fillet form along the entire wing/flat-plate junction are presented. It is shown that a suitable convex filet form can significantly improve the stability of junction horseshoe vortex and reduce the strength of vortex and the non-uniformity in the wake velocity profile. It is also demonstrated the capability of the numerical approach in the design of vortex flow control devices.