
Theoretical research on intensity envelope function of strong ground motion

Theoretical research on intensity envelope function of strong ground motion
摘要 After the time history of seismic motion is represented by superposition of a series of narrow frequency band wave groups, we obtain a general relation between wave group arrival time and derivative of phase spectra in the paper. On the basis of the relation, frequency number distribution function of wave group arrival time is completely equivalent to that of phase difference spectra. Under the assumption that phase angles of seismic motionobey uniform distribution ranged from 0 to ─ 2π, a quantitative relation between intensity envelope function of seismic motion and energy distribution function with wave group arrival time has been derived in this paper. The relation illuminates inner links among Fourier amplitude spectra and derivative of phase spectra and intensity envelope function. Some examples given by the paper support the conclusions mentioned above. After the time history of seismic motion is represented by superposition of a series of narrow frequency band wave groups, we obtain a general relation between wave group arrival time and derivative of phase spectra in the paper. On the basis of the relation, frequency number distribution function of wave group arrival time is completely equivalent to that of phase difference spectra. Under the assumption that phase angles of seismic motionobey uniform distribution ranged from 0 to ─ 2π, a quantitative relation between intensity envelope function of seismic motion and energy distribution function with wave group arrival time has been derived in this paper. The relation illuminates inner links among Fourier amplitude spectra and derivative of phase spectra and intensity envelope function. Some examples given by the paper support the conclusions mentioned above.
作者 金星 瘳振鹏
出处 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1994年第4期637-644,共8页
关键词 intensity envelope function phase difference spectra wave group arrival time distribution function intensity envelope function, phase difference spectra, wave group arrival time, distribution function
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