
神府─东胜矿区一、二期工程环境效应考察 被引量:31

Investigation of effects of mining Activeties On Environment in Shenfu─Dongsheng Area
摘要 晋陕蒙能源基地位于黄河中游的陕北、晋西北和内蒙古南部接壤地区。煤炭储量占全国的1/3,为优质动力煤,易开采。本区将是中国下一个世纪重要能源基地。通过近10年的建设,年产1000万t的生产能力已经形成,铁路、公路交通和通讯等设施逐步配套,为建设现代化煤田奠定了良好的基础。但是,该区地处水蚀风蚀交错地带,社会经济基础薄弱,自然条件恶劣,生态环境脆弱,水土流失、土地沙化十分严重,环境整治的任务本来就很艰巨。近年来煤炭开发中剧烈的人为作用诱发和加剧了这些环境灾害,同时也引起了一系列新的环境问题:如人为水土流失和土地沙漠化的加剧、沉陷、崩塌、泥石流的产生、河道弃土(石)堆积淤积严重,致使行洪能力锐减、水气资源的破坏与污染、土地和植被资源的退化等等。环境整治已成为能源开发持续发展十分紧迫的关键问题。本文根据近期科学考察结果,对以开矿为中心的人文活动产生的环境效应进行了分析。总的看来:煤田建设极大地促进了当地的经济发展;剧烈的人为活动产生了严重的环境问题;有关部门采取的环境建设措施发挥了明显的作用。总之,只要能在煤炭开发的同时注重环境建设.该区的经济将得到飞速发展。为了使煤炭开发和环境建设协调同步进行,拟建立由地面监测网? The energy source base is located in the contiguous area of northwest of Shanxi,north Shaanxi and south of Inner Mongolia,covering 48,800 sq. km. The coal reserves account for 1/3 of China's, and this region will be the main area of energy resources in next century in China. Since 1986, construction in mining area has made a great progress. A fotlndation ofmoderlized coal mining area has been formed. Nevertheless, because of lower developing of local social economy base and very fragile ecological system, intensive impacts of mining/construction actlveties have brought out some environmental problems .incltlding: 1) Agravating man ─made soil erosion and bringing out some new problems of environment; 2) Silting up river channals and reducing capacity of flood passing sharply; 3) Destroying and polluting water and air resources; 4) Land and vegetatioo resources degradation. As a result, the problems of environment have become the priority of coal mining and sustained developing.In this paper the effects of mining activeties on environment are analysed generally. In brief,coal mining has brought a great promotion to the local economy and produced some severe environment probelms. Some measures of environment care have been taken and the benefits are remarkable. In order to make a good coordination of coal mining and environment renovation, the following projects have been proposed based on the investigation. Establishment of environmental monitoring network and the pre ─ warning information system; strengthening controlling of soil erosion and land desertification;developing and extending technologies of environment renovation;and establishing some experimental and demonstrative areas.
作者 李锐 唐克丽
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 1994年第4期5-17,53,共14页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 水土保持 晋陕蒙能源基地 环境建设 soil conservation coal mining monitoring of environment.
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