This paper reported plasma cAMP, cGMP and peripheral blood T Iymplho-cyte subpopulation value of 30 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral caivty and matched mormal controls by molecular and celluar level. Plasma cAMP and cGMPanalysis indicated that CAMP value of cancer patients was Significantly lower than that of thenormal controls(p<0.01), but there was no difference between two groups on cGMP and cAMP/cGMP(p>0. 05).This showed that patients’ suppressing function against tumor cell was lower and was the same like other kinds of cancer。 Tlymphocyte analysis indicated that there were sigrificant difference between cancer patients and normal controls, that was patients’CD3 lower ( P<0. 05) ,CD8 higher(p<0.01) and CD4/CD8 lower(p<0.01).this showed there were disturbances of ellular immunofunction and immunologic balance in patients with squamous cell arcinoma of the oral cavity。
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery