
2-EHA促癌性及慢性二步致癌实验 被引量:1

2-EHA Promotion and 2-Stage Carcinogenesis Model
摘要 建立了Skh/HR-1裸鼠皮肤慢性二步致癌实验模型。实验鼠在一次涂抹发癌剂DMBA之后,连续19周涂抹阳性促癌对照物(TPA)及试验促癌物(2-EHA),经过40周实验观察,TPA促癌作用得以复制;2-EHA在1%,5%,10%,20%浓度范围内,表现明显的剂量-反应关系,各组动物平均患瘤数和患瘤率显著高于阴性对照组,在高剂量组,发生皮肤小瘤恶变为鳞状上皮癌。 Nude Skh/HR-1 mouse skin two-stage carcinogenesis modle was established in the experiment shown in the paper. After a single topical appplication of the initiator DMBA,mice were promoted with TPA as positive control or 2-EHA as experimental chemical for 19 weeks. At the end of experiment of 40 weeks,the promotion effect of TPA on the skin occurred as previously studies, the existence of adose-response relationship was shown within the range of 1%~20%concentrations.A statistically significant increase in papilloma yield and incidence occurred in 2-EHA-treated mice compared with those treated with acetone as solvent-promoted control.Mice treated with 10%and 20%2-EHA also developed squama carcinomas by 40 weeks post-initiation.
机构地区 桂林医学院
出处 《华夏医学》 CAS 1994年第3期1-4,共4页 Acta Medicinae Sinica
关键词 裸鼠 皮肤 慢性 致癌 实验模型 nude mouse skin 2-stage carcinogenesis model
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