重庆地区中性紫色土属中钾少磷缺氮型。稻草还田可增加土壤养分贮备,维持 P、K 活性,但对当季小麦的影响则与配施化肥类型有关,配施 NK 或 NPK 小麦养分吸收和土壤对(?)季小麦供肥量减少,籽粒/秸秆比降低。稻草与 NP 配施对土壤和作物均有良好影响。为发挥稻草的培肥土壤和增产作用,必须根据土壤、秸秆和作物养分供需状况,调节养分的平衡供应。
In a field experiment carricd out in 1991-92 in Chongqing on ncutral purple soil deficent in N,marginal in P and moderately adequate in K,rice straw application was shown to help increase nutrient storage and maintain high levels of available P and K in the soil.Its effects on wheat yield,however,depended on the fertilizers appied in combination with it.Straw combined with NK or NPK reduced nutrient uptake by the crop,grain:straw (w/w)and the amount of nutrient supplied by the soil to the crop of the season.Straw combined with NP proved beneficial to both the soil and the wheat crop.
Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)