
几种孕妇禁忌中药对早孕绒毛的组织化学及超微结构的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Several Chinese Medicinal Herbs Contraindicated for Pregnant Women on Histochemistry and Ultrastructures of Early Pregnant Chorionic Villi
摘要 本文从形态学及组织化学角度,观察了孕妇禁忌中药商陆、附子及蒲黄对器官培养的早孕绒毛的影响。结果表明:商陆对绒毛的损伤最为严重,光镜观察可见绒毛萎缩变小,滋养层与间质分离,细胞核固缩、溶解、碎裂;胞质减少且嗜酸性增强;电镜下可见,核染色质及核仁溶解,核膜皱缩不规则;各种细胞器损伤较为严重,形态结构难以分辨;胞浆中可见大量的自噬泡和髓样体;组织化学显示,ACP反应增强;ALP反应减弱,3β-HSD、SDH及TPPase反应极弱,甚至阴性。附子对绒毛也有一定程度的损伤,但较商陆为轻。蒲黄对绒毛未见明显损害。 A morphological and histoche-mical observation has been taken of the action of several Chinese medici nal herbs-Phytolacca acinosa Roxb, Radix accniti carmichaeli and Pollen typhae-contraindicated to pregnant women on histochemistry and ultras-tructures of early-pregnant chorionic villi in organ culture. It has been found that Phytolacca acinosa Roxb causes more severe injury to chorionic villi than the two other herbs. It can be seen under light microscope that the chorionic villi become atrophied and the trophoblast is dissociated from the stroma; that there are karyopy-knosis, karyolysis and karyoklasis in the nuclei and that the cytoplasma is decreased and its eosinophilia is intensified. Electron microscope re veals that the chromatin and nucle oles have been lysed and the karyo lemmas shrinked to irregular shape; that the morphological structures of the organelles are difficult to recognize owing to their relatively severe damage, and that there are plenty of autophagic vacuoles and medullary bodies in the cytoplasma. Histochemistry demonstrates that Acp reaction becomes more active and Alp reaction is weakened and that 3B-HSD, SDH and TPPase reactions are extremely weak and even negtive. Radix Aco-niti carmichaeli can also cause some injury to the chorionic villi but the injury is less severe than that caused by the Phytolacca Acinosa Roxb. Pollen ty phae dose not cause obvious damage to the chorionic villi.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 1993年第4期19-21,9-138+141,共7页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 商陆(Phytolacca acinosa)织组化学 超微结构 早孕绒毛 器官培养 Phytolacca acinosa Roxb Histochemistry Ultrastructure Early-pregnant Chorionic villi
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