
后路Ray-TFC对腰椎稳定性的影响 被引量:1

The affection to lumbar stability of the Ray-TFC for posterior lumbar interbody fusion
摘要 目的 评价腰椎后路Ray -TFC的即时稳定性。 方法 采用国人成年男性新鲜脊柱标本进行离体生物力学实验 ,以中性区 (NZ)和运动范围 (ROM )为观测指标 ,通过生物力学实验机测定单纯Ray -TFC植入后腰椎运动节段的三维稳定性。结果 单纯Ray -TFC植入后 ,NZ在前屈、后伸和侧弯时明显减小 ,但ROM在后伸和旋转时明显增大。结论 后路Ray -TFC植入可使腰椎运动节段的即时稳定性在除旋转的所有方向上显著提高 。 Objective To determine the instant effect of the Ray Threaded Fusion Cage for posterior lumbar interbody fusion on the fusion segment Methods Nine Chinese adult cadaveric spinal specimens(T 12 -S 1)were tested in biomechanical study in vitro to determine the effect by posterior placement of the Ray-TFCs Neutral Zone(NZ)and Rang of Motion(ROM)were used to determine the stability of the fusion segments Results After insertion of two Ray-TFCs posteriorly,NZ of the fusion segments decreased significantly in flexion,extension and lateral bending,but ROM increased significantly in extension and rotation compared with intact motion segments Conclusion The Ray-TFCs increased the stability of the motion segments remarkably in all directions but rotation The stabilizing effects of Ray-TFC on the lumbar spine of Chinese adults are similar to that on the lumbar spine of westerners
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2004年第2期68-71,共4页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 腰椎 稳定性 椎间融合术 椎间融合器 生物力学 Lumbar spine Stability Interbody fusion Interbody fusion cage Biomechanics
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