从新疆哈密地区的土壤样品中分离出5株嗜盐菌,它们均能在10%—30%NaCl中生长,最适NaCl浓度为15%—18%。生长pH范围为6—11。在0—80mM Mg^(++)时生长良好。在蒸馏水中不破裂。在固体培养基上为球状,在液体培养基中为杆状,细胞大小为0.5—1×2—4um。在牛奶——盐——琼脂培养基上菌落圆形,表面光滑。颜色有橙红,橙黄和浅橙黄,直径1—1.5mm。5株菌均为革兰氏阴性好氧菌。最适生长温度为37℃。接触酶,氧化酶,硝酸盐还原试验均为阳性,不能发酵糖类。其中4株菌对红霉素敏感。根据《伯杰系统细菌学手册》第三卷,它们属于嗜盐菌科的微生物,但与该科各属的特征明显不同。
Five strains halophiles were isolated from the salt and alkline samples in Xinjiang Hami zone. They can grow at pH 5-11 and in media containing 10-30% NaCl and 0-80mM Mg^(++). Cells do not lies in distilled water. Their optimum temperatures are 37℃. All strains are gram negative and acrobic. Cells are rods,0. 5-1 by 2-4um under optimal conditions in young liquid culture. Coccoid form are present in agar-grown culture. The colonies of five strains on milk-salt-agar are round, smooth and not larger than 2mm in diameter. The colour of the colonies is from orange yellow to orange red.
Arid Zone Research