An analytical study is made on the formation of the Cold Water Mass of the Yellow Sea (CWYS) and the relevant thermally driven circulation. The temperature and velocity field, obtained by solving the coupled equations of motion and heat conduction, show that, in summer, the CWYS has a horizontal cyclonic circulation (component) with vertical upwelling in the middle and downwelling at the edges, that the vertical convection (u-w components) occurs only within a thin layer near the thermocline. and that the deeper layer remains almost motionless. This current structure represents well the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of the thermocline or CWYS during the wanner months. Comparisons between the theoretical and observed temperatures show very good qualitative and quantitative agreements for corresponding seasons.
An analytical study is made on the formation of the Cold Water Mass of the Yellow Sea (CWYS) and the relevant thermally driven circulation. The temperature and velocity field, obtained by solving the coupled equations of motion and heat conduction, show that, in summer, the CWYS has a horizontal cyclonic circulation (component) with vertical upwelling in the middle and downwelling at the edges, that the vertical convection (u-w components) occurs only within a thin layer near the thermocline. and that the deeper layer remains almost motionless. This current structure represents well the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of the thermocline or CWYS during the wanner months. Comparisons between the theoretical and observed temperatures show very good qualitative and quantitative agreements for corresponding seasons.