In the host cell, both macro and microgametocytes were surrounded by 3 distinct layer membranes, of which the innermost membrane revealed to be interrupted. They contained the ribosomes, mitochondria, en-doplasmic reticula, osmiophilic bodies and one nucleus in their cytoplasm, whereas the macrogametocyte had more ribosomes and osmiophilic bodies when compared with that of microgametocyte. Before the exflagellation of microgametocyte, a kinetosome appeared near the nucleus and was surround-ed by poorly defined electron dense material. When the host cell ruptured, the microgametocyte become extra—cellular, and its outermost membrane disappeared simultaneously. At that time, a part of cytoplasm pro-truded through the space of innermost membrane and formed as dumb—bell body which eventually threw a side. In the original microgametocyte, 4-6 axonemes were present arround the periphery of nucleus, and then removed to the periphery of cytoplasm. Soon the nuclear membrane disappeared and several chromatin masses were formed and migrated to the position mear axonemes. Each axoneme was composed of 9+2 mi-crolubules arranged as 9 pairs in the petipheral and 1 pair in the center. These axonemes extended to the sur-face and then grew into 4—6 flagellar buds. Each flagellar bud contained a chromatin mass together with a part of oytoplasm. Finally. these flagellar buds developed into 4—6 microgametes. The mature microgamete was thread—like in shape and composed of a single axoneme and a bend—shape nucleus. in general, the macrogametogenesis was slightly lagged behind the micro- gametogenesis. When macrogametoeyte was intracellular, its nuclens first prolonged its size and then divided in to 2 mature bodies.During the hosteell ruptured, its outermost membrane also disappeared at the same time, and then macroga-mete was formed. The macrogamete was surrounded by 2 layer membranes, and the innermost membrane ap-peared interrupted. The mature macrogamete was round in shape, containing a nucleus with double nuclear membrand, 2 atypical centrioles nearby nucleus, some ribosomes, 1—2 axonemes mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula and s number of pigments in its cytoplasm.
Wuyi Science Journal
Fine structure, Gametogenesis, Haemoproteus columbae, Microgamete, Macrogamete.