
山羊和绵羊多头蚴病的病原生物学研究 被引量:1

摘要 山羊脑部、肌间和绵羊脑部自然感染的多头蚴,分别感染犬后所获得的成虫,经形态学比较后来见特殊差异。将虫卵感染山羊和绵羊,发现在山羊体内发育的成熟多头蚴呈局部或广泛性寄生,而绵羊体内的成熟多头蚴仅见于脑部,其他部位见到的多头蚴都已死亡钙化。因此,作者认为山羊、绵羊不同寄生部位的多头蚴均属多头蚴绦虫的幼虫。 The authors had repeatedly found some coenuri which parasitized in the subcutaneous tissue, intermuscular connective tissue and brain of goats in Fuqing, Fujian province, since 1981. The present study was to determine whether they were the same species or not. Two supposed species of coenuri Were used, the(A) species was obtained from the brain and intermuscular connective tissue of goats and the(B) species from the brain of sheep. 17 reared dogs were separately infected with the coenuri(A) and (B), and all of them acquired numerous adult tapeworms. A comparative study on the morphology of these tapeworms was made and the result demonstrated that they are similar species of Multiceps multiiceps. 14 goats and 9 sheep were fed with the gravid proglottides of the tapeworms. The necropsy in goats revealed that the mature coenuri were widely found, while in sheep showed that the mature eoenuri were only present in the brain, and other cysts from other organs were fibrosed or calcified. In addition, the morphological studies of these coenuri also proved that they are similar. The authors regard that the coenuri in goats and sheep all are the larvae of M. multiceps. In previous literatures, the coenuri of Multiceps in goats and sheep were identified as species by the location they occur, namely (1)M. multiceps.(2)M. gaigeri and(3)M. skrjabini. This classification seems to be doubtful. The authors consider that both M. gaigeri and M. skrjabini are probably the synonym of M. multiceps.
出处 《武夷科学》 1992年第1期207-214,共8页 Wuyi Science Journal
关键词 多头蚴 多头属 脑多头蚴 山羊 绵羊 Coenurus Multiceps Coenurus cerebralis Goat Sheep.
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