Let D={z:|z|<1}be the unit disk in the finite complex plane C,and A the set of func- tions analytic on D.Bergman space A^1={f:f∈A,‖f‖_1=∫_D|f|dm<∞}.A new atomic“de- composition”for A^1 is obtained,and more the interpolating problem is solvable in A^1 under certain conditions.
Let D={z:|z|<1}be the unit disk in the finite complex plane C,and A the set of func- tions analytic on D.Bergman space A^1={f:f∈A,‖f‖_1=∫_D|f|dm<∞}.A new atomic“de- composition”for A^1 is obtained,and more the interpolating problem is solvable in A^1 under certain conditions.
Supported by Doctoral Program Foundation of Institute of Higher Education.