A local metronidazol (MTZ) delivery using resorbable base material was studied. In vitro MTZ was almost completely released within 24 hrs from the hydrox-ypropylmethyl cellullouse (HPMC) strips. In vivo, release of the drug from strips was also measured in six patients who had deep pockets of more than 5mm. MTZ -containing HPMC strip was inserted in the pocket. The average amount of MTZ in the gingival crevicalar fluid (GCF) 24 hrs after insertion of strip was 40μg/ml. (much higher than the reported MIC of some microorganisms associated with adult periodontitis). In vitro there were significant inhibitory effects of MTZ containing strips on the microorganisms associated with periodontal disease. The prevalence of spirochetes and motil rods, and gingival index (GI) was remarkably reduced in the MTZ administered pockets, It is suggest that this new direct drug delivery system with HPMC used as base material could be used to treat periodontal disease.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology