The authors cultured common bacteria of burn wounds for six years from 1985- 1990 and made a survey of the sensitivity of sixteen kinds of antibiotic. Among the infectious bacteria, gram positive bacteria accounted for 61.61%, gram negative bacteria accounted for 36.84%, P < 0. 01. There was a significant difference between them 10 kinds of common pathogen accounted for 74.81% of total detected strain. Staphylococcus aureus was 23.36% of total, ranking the first. Pesudomonas Aeruginosa was 18.99% of total, ranking the second. Both of them were the commonest pathogen. The sensitivities of 10 common pathogenes to 16 common used antibiotics showed that the sensitivity of antibiotic to gram positive pathogen was higher than that to gram negative pathogen.
Amikacin and neomycin are broad - spectrum antibiotic. Their sensitivities to G+ bacillus and G-coccus were relatively higher. The sensitivity rate of polymyxin B. amikacin and neomycin to G-bacillus was 91.67%, 82.41% and 66. 7% respectively. The sensitivity rate of amikacin to pesudomonas aeruginosa was 78.79%. So amikasin was chosen first for anti pesudomonas aeruginosa infections. The sensitivity rate of furantoin, neomycin and amikacin to G+ coccus was 83. 33%, 81. 75% and 77.28% respectively. The sensitivity rate of amikacin and neomycin to staphylococus aureus 83.33% and 75.00% respectively. Amikacin was chosen first to anti staphylococcus aureus infections.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers