This paper reports the comprehensive treat-ment of 63 cases of large area burn. The smallest burn area was 42%BSA and the largest 98%BSA. 51 cases healed and 10 cases died. 2 cases left the hospital on their own will. The results proved that deep second degree burns can be healed spontaneously. If scar formed. MEBO should be applied continuously until the scar softened and vanished.
The authors concluded:
1. The key to the success in the treatment of large area burns is to prevent shock. First 2 days post burn, adequate transfusion of whole blood, plasm and albumin is necessary. At the same time, administration of Fufang Dand Shen. low molecu-lar weight dextran, 654-2. etc. is recommended to improve microcirculation. These drugs may play positive role in the prevention and treatment of shock.
2, Pay attention to the rational use of antibiot-ics and adhere to the principle of Chinese Tradi- tional Medicine that diagnosis and treatment should base on overall analysis of the symptoms and signs. Chinese drugs with heat clearing, detoxifying, blood stasis removing, body resist-ance strengthening, pathogenic factor eliminating, necrotic tissue removing and granulation pro-moting effects can be used for the prevention and the treatment of systemic infections.
3, Timely removal of necrotic tissue is rec-ommended to promote granulation and to create favorable conditions for skin grafting and early ob-literation of the wounds.
4, After skin grafting, the wounds are ban-daged with MEBO to promote survival of the skin graft and to accelerate the healing of the wounds.
5, MEBO is directly applied onto severely in-fected wounds after debriedement. 2 to 3 days later, the systemic symptoms of the patients will significantly turn for the better.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers