Anisodamine is a new kind of anticholine drugs mainly developed by Pharmaceutical Re-search Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Science in April. 1965. 654-2 is its tradename.
We have combined anisodamine with fluid resuscitation therapy in the prevention treatment of burn shock since 1978.
We treated 99 cases with the above-men-tioned therapy and comfirmed that patient's urine
output increased considerably after application of anisodamine on condition that total intravenous volumes remained at the same level. This result was compared with 68 cases treated with fluid re-suscitation thearpy only.
Experimental studies on burn rabbits showed that anisodamine can increase effective renal plasma flow, improve blood rheology and blood flow dynamics, reduce water content of burn rissues and remove convulsions of arteriolae tion therapy. It assures adequate blood flow of
around burn wound areas. microcirculation units, removes or relieves
The writer is convinced that anisodamine im- ischaemia and anoxia of tissue cells, and eventual-
proves microcirculation at the early stage of burn ly prevents the vicious circle-disseminated
hrough many ways on the basis of fluid resuscita- intravascular coagulation.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers