1989年底,江西省文物考古研究所在距樟树吴城镇20公里的赣江东岸新干县大洋洲发掘了一座大型商代奴隶主贵族墓葬(下文简称M<sub>新</sub>),墓主可能是土著扬越民族奴隶制国家的最高统治者或其家属,其下葬时代为殷墟早、中期。殷墟时期的奴隶主墓葬在中原时有发现,可惜绝大部分已被盗掘一空,至目前为止,只有殷墟妇好墓(即M<sub>5</sub>)可以与它相比,作为上层建筑一部分的墓葬制度是考古学文化的重要组成部分,葬制不同,说明创造该考古学文化的主体不同,即民族文化习俗、社会生活习惯等方面的不同。这两座墓葬,M<sub>5</sub> 位于商文化的政治中心,M<sub>新</sub>位于数千里之外的赣江中游江西新干县大洋洲,与吴城遗址隔江相对,我们认为如果把两者进行对比分析。
In this article author studies and analyses the general character and special character, veins and castiug technology through contrasting the burial service, burial custom, funerary objects and their composing method etc. between the shang Dynasty's tomb of Xin Gan and Yin Dynasty's tomb of Fu Hao. Author points out that there is an essential difference between Shang Dynasty's tomb of Xin Gan and Yin Dynasty's tomb of Fu Hao and their source in archaeological culture is different, too. M -Xin belongs to wu Cheng bronre culture that it is a lical culture from centrical region of china cultuer's influence. Yin Dynasty' s bronre culture source head is Er Li Gang and Wu Cheng bronze culture relates to Er Li Gang, too. Local people absorbed shang Dynasty culture of centrical region of china mean-wkile selectively absorbed other tribes' advanced culture and they had established Wu Cheng culture with own tribes character.
Cultural Relics in Southern China