The reverse transformation has never occurred in a quenched and aged specimen upon heating from room temperature to 320℃ at which the martensite disappears thoroughly.Both B2 9R and DO_318R coexist in step-quenched and short-time isothermally treated specimen. As prolonging the isothermal holding,the B29R disappears and DO_318R intensifies. B29R occurs only in specimen quenched and up-quenched immediately to 100—150℃. Rapid quenching from high temperatures will depress the B2→DO_3 ordering but not the A2 →B2 one.A plenty enough concentration of vacancy is a necessary condition of occurrence of B2→DO_3 ordering.The possible mechanism for the stabilization of martensite in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy was also discussed.
The reverse transformation has never occurred in a quenched and aged specimen upon heating from room temperature to 320℃ at which the martensite disappears thoroughly.Both B2 9R and DO_318R coexist in step-quenched and short-time isothermally treated specimen. As prolonging the isothermal holding,the B29R disappears and DO_318R intensifies. B29R occurs only in specimen quenched and up-quenched immediately to 100—150℃. Rapid quenching from high temperatures will depress the B2→DO_3 ordering but not the A2 →B2 one.A plenty enough concentration of vacancy is a necessary condition of occurrence of B2→DO_3 ordering.The possible mechanism for the stabilization of martensite in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy was also discussed.