Addressing in the 4th council session of China Petroleum Equipment Association, Mr. Bai Shiyin, head of the foreign affairs bureau of China State Natural Gas and Oil Corporation, gave a panoramic view of the natural gas and oil industry of this country in 1991-1992 period. He said that in the past year China′s petroleum front envisaged a steady increase in production. Crude oil recorded a production of 140 million tons while the production of natural gas reached 15.4 billion cubic meters, occupying the 5th position in the world. The oil deposit found in 1991 is 550 million tons while that of natural gas is 110 billion cubic meters. The Fire- fighting team dispatched to Kuwait quenched the fire of 10 wells, each of which yielding crude oil more than 10,000t/d. Finally, he expounded the principal targets and technological problems to be tackled with in the reconstruction of natural gas and oil production in 1992.
China offshore Platform