
河北省迁西县东寨遗址发掘简报 被引量:19

Excavation of the Dong Zhai Site in Qianxi County, Hebei Province
摘要 东寨遗址位于河北省唐山市迁西县罗屯乡东寨村西750米处的一沙丘东坡之上。大秦铁路由此东西穿过,此遗址地处燕山南麓低山丘陵地区、西南面向甚宽阔的滦河河谷,四周的沙丘系滦河的第二级阶地堆积物。遗址西南距县城。30华里,西邻西寨村(图一)。 该遗址在1990年3月,由河北省文物局文物普查队在普查中发现,同年9月为了配合大秦铁路建设工程,河北省文物研究所派员对东寨遗址进行了抢救性发掘。发掘面积为112.2平方米,获得了一批新石器时代早期遗物。现将有关情况简要报告如下: Dong zhai site was discovered in March, 1990, the excavation of the site was carried out in September, 1990, lasting 30 days. A total of 112. 2 sq. m. were explored. Because the site had been destroyed seriously, we only discovered one irregular ashtrench, No. 90QDG1.In the trench,many polsherds were unearthed. The pottery are all stuffed with sand,the colour of the pottery are mainly red -brown, a minority are brown, and black. The decorated line are mainly combined with circle line, appended clay line with stack, and cross line like willow leaf, there are little pottery with ';.' line, line full of bumps and hollows, and also, there are little pottery that have no line. The shapes of the utensils are simple,they are mainly tubed-utensils; there are few Bo-vessel, and Bowl. Among the stone artifacts, there are striked stone artifacts, polished ones, carved ones , and pressed ones. Among the shapes of the stone artifacts, there are axe, chopper, millstone, polished stone stick, stone statue, stone nt plummet and stone vessel.The texturedecorated line and some shape of the pottery unearthed in Dongzhai site are similar to that of the pottery unearthed in Xinglongwa site. The pottery unearthed from the two sites differ from each other to a certain degree in colour and in some types. The pottery unearthed in Dongzhai are mainly red -brown, but that of Xinglongwa are maimly yellow -brown. The characteristic hoe artifacts and hachet artifacts unearthed in Xinglongwa are not found or found few in Dongzhai site. But, the stone plummet found quantitatively, in Dongzhai site are not found in Xinglongwa site. According to the similarities and differences between the two sites, we can concluded that Dongzhai site still belongs to the Xinglong wa culture, which can be devided into an different culture type-Dongzhai Branch, the date of which should be similar to that of Xinglongwa, is the earlier period of the Neolithic Age.
作者 任亚珊
出处 《文物春秋》 1992年第S1期128-143,共16页
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