The archaeological work of Dingzhou Freight yard, which was cooperated with the capital construction, was carried out from June to December in 1991. A total of 42middle-and small - sized Shang earth pit tombs were excavated. Besides some small tombs have vertical tomb wall, most of the tombs have rectangular mouth and larger rectangular bottom, there are two two-layer platforms and waist-pits in them, and in minority tombs,there are irregular niches on the two-layer platforms. Theburial tools fall into 3 kinds; one coffin, one coffin and one outer coffin, and one outer coffin. In larger tombs, there are 1 or 2men buried alive with their deceased masters. In the utensils buried with the dead, there are 274 bronze-wares, 18 pottery, 45 jade and stone artifacts. The basic combination of the utensils in the tombs is bronze Gu -goblet, Jue-wine vessel or Gu, Jue, and dagger -axe.
The discovery of Shang tomb groups in Dingzhou, and the unearthing of a lot of bronze wares is the tombs, are important discovery of the archaeololgy of the Shang Dynasty in our country, the shape of the tombs, the funeral, the coffin systems , the men buried with the deceased masters, the dogs buried with the deceased masters, and' the kinds, amount and the moulding of the buried artifacts; all manifested that Dingzhou coincided greatly with the central parts of Shang Dynasty, and it isan unseparated component of the Shang culture.
In the bronze Ding-tripod, Jue-wine vessel, Dagger-axe, there casted the same writing ' ', which often appeared in documents, but, according to the documents, the unearthing place are not known. Now, we can prove that the central producing area of the writing should be Ding zhou. It is a symbol shared by a group of slaveholders, or may be a clan emblem, but its meaning jjas not been understood.
The date of these Shang tombs is well-matched the second and the third period of Yin Dynasty Ruins, one or two tombs maybe later, they may be' the fourth period of the Yin Dynasty Ruins.