
邢台南小汪周代遗址西周遗存的发掘 被引量:8

Excavation of The Relics of TheWestern Zhou Dynasty in NanxiaowangSite in Xingtai City
摘要 南小汪遗址位于邢台市市区西北部。这是一处范围很大的周代遗址,经初步调查,大致在今京广铁路以西,小黄河以北,达活泉以南,因南小汪村位于遗址北部而得名(图一)。 南小汪遗址南与曹演庄、南大郭等殷商遗址相连,西北与南大汪战国墓区相望。五十年代调查试掘的西关外西周遗址,实际上即是南小汪遗址的一部分。近年来,邢台市市政建设发展迅速,南小汪遗址绝大部分已被建筑所压。在施工过程中,时有周代遗物出土,如在郭守敬大街左右两侧的市一中附近、中华路宿舍区、团结路南侧等地,均曾发现大量的周代陶器鬲、盆、豆、罐等,有的地方还发现马坑和小型墓葬等。这些都表明南小汪遗址是一处规模较大、埋藏丰富的周代遗址。 Nanxiaowang site is in the northwest of Xingtai city, and it is a site of Zhou Dynasty with an abundance contents. In 1991,Hebei Cultural Relics Institute carried out an excavation of the site, and discovered the relics fallen into 3 periods-western Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring states period. In this brief report, we only report the relics of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Many relics of the Western Zhou Dynasty are found in Nanxiaowang site, among them, there are ashpits, pottery kiln and well etc. The number of the ashpits is the largest, their shapes are irregular, and they are discarded trash pits. In addition, a minority small - sized tombs are discovered, they are earthen pit tombs with vertical shaft, rectangular in shape; A-mong the burial utensils, there are pottrey Li -vessel, and sea shellfish, so, the tombs are the common people's. The western Zhou pottery unearthed in the site could be divided into the Early and Later term. In the Early Term relics, there are more grey pottery stuffed with sand, and grey earthen pottery ; The utensils are Li-vessel. Gui -vessel. Basin. Dou -vessel, and earthen Jar, among them, Li and Basin are popular, the Li are decorated with string line, their edges are folded and their lips are square, the crotch of them are higher, compared with the pottery of the Early Term, among that of the Later Term, there are fewer Gui. The main pottery are Li, Basin, Dou and Jar. The edges of Li are wide and folded, on the face of the edge, there are some lines of concave circle lines, their crotch are lower. The most important discorery of the western Zhou Relics in Nanxiaowang site is a piece of divination bone engraved with inscription, it is made from the scapula of ox, being incomplete, and there is circle drill on its back, on the facade, there preserved 11 words, which recorded the rites of offering scarifices at that time. This is the first JiaGuwen found in Hebei province, and it is also an important discovery follwed the western Zhou Dynasty JiaGuwen in Shaanxi, Beijing and Shanxi. , The excavation of Nanxiaowang site offers a wealth of new materials for the research of the archaeology and history of the .western Zhou Dynasty, especially for the research of the historv of Xiner State in the Western Zhou Dvnastv.
出处 《文物春秋》 1992年第S1期241-250,共10页
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