The present study aims at observation of the mast cells, fibrin network formation and hemorrhage on the cryofracture surface of the ligature mark as well as on their superficial surface under both SEM and light microscope. Ligature marks from 12 antemortem and 2 postmortem hanging cases were studied.The morphologic changes of antemortem ligature marks under SEM were as follows. (1) In case of either hard or soft ligature marks, the squamous epithelial cells were detached and aggregated; (2) Most epithelial cells were disarranged. Their nuclear became elongated and cellular margins were obscured; (3) In severe injured area, the collagen fibers and the capillaries of the dermis were exposed. Some collagen fibers were fused eachother; (4) The hairs were compressed. Some of the hair roots were exposed. The hair follicles were deformed and their cellular junctions were loosened;(5) On both superficial and fracture surfaces, hemorrhage and fibrin network formation embeded with RBC were seen; (6) Among the collagen fibers, there were many fat-like droplets 2~48μ in diameter; (7) In some area, various kinds of morphologic changes of mast cells accompanied by degranulation were observed.
The number of heterochromous mast cells on the antemortem marks was less than that on both sides of the marks by Toluidine Blue staining. The significance of this finding remains to be solved.
In postmortem marks, hemorrhage, fibrin formation and fat-like droplets among the collagen fibers were not observed. The number of mast cells did not decrease on Toluidine Blue staining section.
All these findings suggest that the morphologic changes of ligature marks under SEM are helpful for the differential diagnosis of the antemortem marks from the postmortem marks.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine