本文在目前最为流行的通用计算机绘图软件包——Auto CAD 上开发了一种新的快速填充功能,能对复杂的直线型多边形(包括嵌套状态)区域自动划分三角形和自动填充,增强了 Auto CAD 的绘图能力。
A method to quicken the original fill-function of Auto CAD is suggested.The new method re- sults in dividing any complicated linear polygon,including inter-laid linear polygon,into several trigons and filling them automatically.Based on that the command“Solid”of Auto CAD can fill any trigon and quadrilateral automatically,the new function can apply it after dividing any compli- cated linear polygon into several trigons which are connected but uncovered with each other.The di- vision will greatly expand the function of command“Solid”in filling any complicated linear poly- gon and improving the efficiency and precision in operation.
Journal of Ningbo University:Natural Science and Engineering Edition