地球上的水97%存在海洋中,其余的为雪、冰、淡水、地下水。这些水是维持生命的宝贵物质,那么,水匮乏问题到底到什么程度了呢? 人类不仅要靠海洋调节大气和氧及二氧化碳的物质循环而生存,而且对水还有更为重要的依赖性。水是生命最基本最重要的物质。有不少生物在缺氧情况下仍然能够生存,但若没有水,任何生物都无法生存。因而,我们应当像珍惜呼吸的空气一样。
Water is the most basic and fundemental material for the living of organisms. Many organisms can live without oxygen but can not survive without water. We should treasure water which supports our human life as we treasure the air we breathe. Why many people don't care about the impacts caused by the water pollution. The reason is that the water in many developed countries is cheap and easy to access. Water will flow out when taps are turned open. It seems to some people that water will never be exhausting. This paper introduces through detailed cases the state, causes, impacts and solutions of water pollution.
World Environment