The voltammetric determination of gold (Ⅲ) with TOPO-chemically modified carbon paste electrode (CMCPE) is studied. First. gold is accumulated on CMCPE in 0. 1-1 mol. L^(-1)HC1 solution without the application of any potential to cell. and then, the current is recorded while a potential is applied and scanned cathodically from 0. 6-0.10V (vs. SCE). The response deponds on the concentration of gold in the solution. prcconcentration time and other parameters. Detection limit is 0.1ng. ml^(-1). A linear range between the concentration of gold from 0.4ng. ml^(-1) to 1000ng. ml-1 and the peak height is observed. The electrode has excellent stability and reproducibility. If the medium is exchanged before the preconcentrated gold is reduced, Fe(Ⅲ), 1000 fold by weight more than gold, present in the sample docs not interfere with the determination. Discussion on the behavior of gold (Ⅲ) in CMCPE is given. The method is of utility for the determination of gold in metallurgical product with satisfactory results.
Chemical Research and Application