

How to Carry Out the Management of Nosocomial Infection in Our Hospital
摘要 本文根据我院的工作体会,探讨国内综合性医院开展医院感染管理的工作方法。(1)建立一个合理而有效的医院感染管理组织是搞好院内感染监控工作的关键,领导重视是做好医院感染监控工作的保证。(2)形成一个封闭的医院内感染监测系统,在各病区兼职监控护士的监督下,住院医师报告登记医院感染,专职人员复核确定。(3)下大力气,加强医院感染知识教育,先做学生,后做先生,先上层后基层,从认识到方法,从重点到一般,分层次开展医院感染知识的教育,同时开展医院感梁知识有奖竞赛活动。(4)初步开展医院感染专题调查,边查边改进,用调查结果教有广大医护人员,推动医院感染监测工作的顺利开展。 With the progress in medical technology, nosocomial infectionm has slready been an outstand- ing problem in modern times. Management of nosocom ial infection is an important aspect in hospi- tal management. In this paper, methord of manage- ment in nosocmial infection in comprehensie hospital was discussed, 1. The key to the success of monitoring is to have a rational and effective organization in nosocomial infection, and a great attention given by leading members is the guarantee of controlling nosocomial infection; 2. to set up a closed monitoring system of nosocomial infection; under the supervision of the nurse currently holding monitoring in different wards, resident took notes of the infection cases and full-time members checked and determined the cases. which was a scientific, reasonable, practical and efective infection monitoring system: 3. to make great efforts to reinforce the education in nosocomial infec- tion by administrative levels from higher level to grass-roots. from knowledge to methord, from focal point to generalization, and at the same time, to carry out knowledge contest with reward as encouragement: 4. to launch investigation in nosocomial infection and to teach numerous medical staff with the investigative results so as to push forward the infection monitoring work.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1992年第2期122-124,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 医院感染 管理 起步 Nosocomial infection Management Carry out
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