In this article, hemorheological index have been determined for 100 normal newborns who werq born in the winter. The average value and standard deviations of the sample were showed respectivly in the follo- wing: Hb 17±2.5; hematocrit 54±4.35; whole blood high shear viscosity 6.94±1.25; whole blood low shear viscosity 11±2.92. The ralation bet- weep hematocrit and either whole blood high or low shear viscosity were respectively analysed by the determinate data, so was analysed the ralation between Hb and hematocrit. Through the right angled coordinate chart drawn, its clear that their relation is presented the linear corrala- tion. The correlation coefficient between newborn's hewatocrit and either whole blood high or low shear viscosity were r=0.77 (P<0.001) ; r=0.67 (P<0.001) respectively and r=0.62(P<0.001) between Hb and hematocrit. The linear regression equations of whole blood high or low shear visco- sity calculated by hematocrit were (?)=-9.26+0.3 x (P<0.001) ; (?)=-26.26+0.69x (P<0.001) respetively, and the one hematocrit calcula ted by Hb was (?)=35.1+1.112x (P<0.001).
Chinese Journal of Neonatology