One case of multiple organ failure ccaused by an-tibiotic was reported, Before admission, the aged pa-tient with fever (unknown cause) administered oralcephalexin and infusion gentamycin, After admission,amikaim, cefasolin and cefobid were continuously giv-en when rellal dysfuntion and liven impairment werefound. Sinee then jaundice, anuria and skin rash alsooccurred and renal and liver function further deterio-rated. Ceftriaxone was also given when patient's feverwas not controled. And then, infection of Candidaalbicans, hematemesis and melena were found. Finallythis patient died of multipe organ failure (kidney, liver,gastrointestinal trat and skin). It is suggested that aminoglycosis (gentamyin andamikacin) may precipitate acute renal function failure,cephalexin is assocciated with liver impairment andCephalosporin (Cefobid and Ceftriaxoe) result ingastrointestinal bleeding attention and caution side ef-fects of these antibotics, so that they can be rationallyused.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology